Exploration and Mining Projects Auditing and Evaluation

Exploration and Mining Projects Auditing and Evaluation

Every exploration and mining company will at some stage need to ‘evaluate’ of their current situation. An impartial and independent third party is often required to undertake this role and provide an honest professional opinion of a project. Auditing can be conducted as part of an internal review of an exploration program’s effectiveness.

ARCHEAN has experience in assessing, auditing and evaluating exploration programs and mining projects at all stages of development. 

ARCHEAN offers Evaluation and Auditing services at every stage of exploration and mine operations to support you, your stakeholders and financers to fully understand the potential value and impact of your exploration program.

During the audit and review process the geology, exploration, geologic modelling, resource estimation, procedures, compliance and QAQC will be addressed and site visit shall be conducted.

Our reports has its special importance in annual reporting, understanding risk, identifying opportunities, process improvements, and skills improvement by increasing productivity, maximizing value, and identifying the critical flaws in our clients’ mining and exploration projects.